Request a new charge card
We understand that having lost your charge card is an unfortunate situation. But no worries, we'll make sure you will be able to charge again soon. First, please block your card on your EV Charging app following the next steps:
Go to More
Click on Charge cards
Swipe left on the card you'd like to block
And click on the Block button
or Shell Recharge app following the next steps:
- Go to Account
- Click on Card and choose one
- Click on Issues with card
- And click on Block card
This way, no one else will be able to use your lost charge card. Next, check below which situation applies to you and follow the steps to request a new charge card.
I have a lease card
If you are using a card from your employer or lease company, such as MultiTankcard, XXImo, Travelcard, euroShell, Total, BP or Arval, we recommend contacting your employer about the steps to follow in case of a lost card.
I use the EV Charging app
Please call our customer service on +44 (0)20 3868 1036 to request a new charge card. Don't forget to activate this new card on before you can use this new charge card.
I use the Shell Recharge app
You can order a new charge card through the Shell Recharge app (Google Play Store, AppStore). This charge card will have to be activated again before it can be used.
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